CLZ Core Search Result options

When adding books from CLZ Core would it be possible to include sort on Format?
It’s tedious to scroll through many Paperback and Hardcover entries trying to find Kindle eBook
ISBN, Author, Title, and Publisher are already available.

CLZ are encouraging people to switch to the Web version of the product. As such the Windows version is now in Maintenance Mode, so no new features will be added.
What you require is, I believe, already in the Web version of the product. In any case, that is where updates such as the one you requested will be made.
Alwin has written a long post on the subject: Collector desktop vs CLZ Web web-based

Thank you stevej. I had no idea about CLZ Web-based Book Collector and the link to the post on the subject describing the difference cleared that up. I have now subscribed. Thank you

When searching the Core database for books we currently do not have a format filter. I’ve taken note of your request (for CLZ Books Web).

You might be better off searching the ISBN to get the right version though?