[Added] Lady Death vs Zombie Tramp #1, Leirix

Lady Death vs Zombie Tramp #1
Leirix Zombie Tramp Cute Edition
Lesley “Leirix” Li

Lady Death vs Zombie Tramp #1
Leirix Lady Death Cute Edition
Lesley “Leirix” Li

And for good measure, here is another version by El Sevilla

Lady Death vs Zombie Tramp #1
El Sevilla Kinky Edition
Hector Sevilla Lujan (El Sevilla)

It looks like Hector’s name is in the Core under multiple formats… I’ll let you choose! :slight_smile:

Is this series already in Core? I can’t seem to find it.

I don’t think so. It’s a newly released kickstarter.

Do we report new series somewhere else?

This series is now in the core. It’s listed as “Lady Death vs. Zombie Tramp” by Still Ill.

However, these covers have not yet been added. Was hoping they could be. :slight_smile:

These have been added now.