Migration from Book Collector

Fairly simple question - but cannot simply find the answer :slight_smile:

My sub to book collector is due in 7 days, and I am thinking it may be better to go to book web. But I cannot find the instructions (and am also running out of time to do before my sub runs out - which I was notified with just 7 days!).

If I do not renew book collector now, can I then go to book web later, as I do not think I will have time before the new year?
Should I renew now and then can simply move over without extra costs?
Is it simple to switch (like less than an hour) to move over?



If you sync your collection, the Book Web and Book Cloud are the same thing, except that the “Web” version also allows editing.
Before you switch over, just check your data in the Cloud site to see that everything is ok, and nothing is missing. Some “advanced” features are missing from the web version, eg book chapters. If you have used these for Short Story Collections, then the Web version may not be for you. Also User-Defined fields are not available at the moment, though should be soon.
This topic Collector desktop vs CLZ Web web-based shows the differences.
My experience is that Clz always go the extra mile to keep their customers happy. Based on this, I would suggest that you simply renew your Windows subscription, read the article I have linked to, check out the differences between your Windows data and the cloud data to see that you are not losing anything, and then when you are happy, simply switch your subscription over.
Assuming that you have synced your collection, it takes 0 seconds (ie no time at all) to switch from Windows to Web.

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Yeah that shouldn’t be a problem and you can just contact us if you run into anything, we’re always happy to help.

The switch indeed takes no time at all assuming you’re syncing with CLZ Cloud already :slight_smile:

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