Title: 十大经興 芝术片
or alternatively:
Ten Classic Films Made by Changchun Film Studio
Format: VideoCD (22 discs)
平原游击队 (Guerrillas on the Plain) - tt2009551
五朶金花 ( Five Golden Flowers) - tt0355036
刘三姐 (Third Sister Liu) - tt0054034
甲午风云 (The Naval Battle of 1894) - tt0353580
冰山上的来客 (Visitors on the Icy Mountain) - tt6635034
英雄儿女 (Heroic Sons and Daughters) - tt0188299
杜十娘 (Du Shiniang) - tt0350852
心灵深处 (Deep at Heart) - tt0348439
开国大典 (The Birth of New China) - tt1220564
男妇女主任 (Male Sorority Director) - tt9501772
(This is a VERY large box, so I sadly cannot do a cover scan. It also does not have a barcode)
This one took ages to figure out the contents of since I cannot read the language. Thankfully this page was included, which I could then OCR for titles I could google for, with the context of plot descriptions and that it’s very clearly sorted by release year.