Suggestions for Connect to improve transition from Collector

Ok, I mistakenly assumed it worked the same way as the mobile app, where you can add in MPL.

Back in the good ol’ days the ability to catalog CD’s by reading the CD itself was a MAJOR SELLING point in getting people to buy into the whole cataloging idea, it just made it so easy to do. Since Music Connect cannot do this, for new users the ramp up becomes much steeper.

Yes there are other ways to do the trick, CLZ has its own database, I know all this. But people still want to read CD’s and catalog them.

So I’m thinking… remember the old CLZ Barry and CLZ Buddy which was used to read barcodes until ‘we’ figured out how to include the functionality in the main program?

Well how about a similar function for reading the disc? A ‘Buddy’ pgm that runs on the desktop to read the CDID and table of contents and transmits it to the Connect running in a browser?

It indeed was, back in 1998 :slight_smile:

Not really. The cataloging by reading CDs in your computer has been completely replaced by scanning barcodes. Which is much quicker and easier to do.

Also, two important things have changed since then:

  • most modern computers do not have a CD-ROM / DVD-ROM drive anymore.
  • many users do not even own a computer anymore, and do all their cataloging on their phone or tablet. And these mobile devices have built-in camera’s that are perfect for scanning barcodes!

That idea has actually been on our list for a while, in the early days of Connect. But it got cancelled because barcode scanning got more popular and worked so well.

I wopuld support having a way to read via a PC for those of us that still do that - and a lot of CD buyers are probably of a an age that prefers a PC too, youngsters stream (we are told). I support a lot of grassroots artists who produce their own CDs. Not all of these have barcodes on them (and if they have, CLZ often doesn’t know them). I use the PC software for adding albums and the mobile for reference (which it is very useful for). I also notice that often CLZ fails to find the album and yet MusicBee sees all the track info from the disk itself. It would be good if CLZ could read those off the disks too. Moving to barcodes only won’t help as if it is not in the DB it won’t find it. Thanks

It does, but this CDTEXT reading only works in the 32-bit version of the software.

Here’s how to install the 32bit version:

  • download the full installer from your account at and install from there.
  • while installing on the step that asks which version to install, choose the 32-BIT version.

I was nervous about “dropping” from a 64-bit version to 32-bit but went for it today & sure enough it read the text from a CD just released :slight_smile: (It got stuck near the end of the install & hung but seems to have worked when I tried it after restarting the PC). Thank you for the guidance. I get quite a few CDs that are too new to have got to the Core DB.

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