Week 6: Most wanted comics

These top-10s are created by you all, the users of the CLZ app and software, as they’re based on how often these comics already appear on your wish lists in the CLZ Cloud, even before release!

Most wanted issues

  1. Absolute Superman #4
  2. Batman, Vol. 3 #157
  3. Poison Ivy, Vol. 1 #30
  4. Wolverine, Vol. 8 #6
  5. The Ultimates, Vol. 6 #9
  6. The Avengers, Vol. 9 #23
  7. Phoenix, Vol. 1 #8
  8. Star Wars: The Legacy of Vader #1
  9. Batman Off-World #6
  10. Birds of Prey, Vol. 5 #18

Most wanted variants

Showcasing the most ordered and wish-listed variant covers. These are alternative cover artworks to the published issues.

  1. Poison Ivy, Vol. 1 #30B: Jenny Frison Variant
  2. Poison Ivy, Vol. 1 #30C: Lobos Variant
  3. Absolute Superman #4B: David Talaski Variant
  4. Batman, Vol. 3 #157B: Tony Harris Variant
  5. Absolute Superman #4C: Rahzzah Variant
  6. Batman, Vol. 3 #157F: Jorge Jiménez Foil Variant
  7. Batgirl, Vol. 6 #4B: Sozomaika Variant
  8. Detective Comics, Vol. 1 #31B: Facsimile
  9. Batman, Vol. 3 #157C: Tony S. Daniel Variant
  10. Absolute Superman #4F: Kaare Andrews Variant