Accidentally removed album in CLZ Music

I accidentally removed an album in the iPadOS Music Clz app.

If I sync with Clz Cloud, when I subsequently sync my Windows application, will delete the album.
I’ve had this album in Music Collector since I first bought Music Collector… sometime before 2008. I’m a steady revenue stream for

Any ideas?

What I am going to do is to duplicate the album in the desktop application, so it will be added back when I sync.

It’s simple only because I’m in the same location as my computer.

I’d like to think there is a deleted albums cache for the iPadOS. Any place to submit RFEs?

Duplicating the album in Collector before syncing sounds like a good plan. It’s a little more drastic, but I guess you could also delete the CLZ database and reload the whole thing from the cloud.

If you’ve deleted an album in the app, and sync, it will be deleted on cloud, and then later on desktop too. You can’t revert that or cancel that particular removal.

This is the way.

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