Add Comics using a bad SeriesID

So I assume this has to be super rare, but here goes.

I had discovered a duplicate series and reported it. Justin just fixed it, deleting the series I had in my collection.

I went to “Captain America vs Baron Zemo.” That had SeriesID 11589 (but that series has since been removed from the Core).

When I tapped the Add Comics + button, I don’t get the option to change what series I’m in (the “Enter series title” box is missing).

So if I’m in a series folder and tap Add Comics + icon, it looks like:

  • If there’s a valid SeriesID, I am taken to the Add Comics screen for that series
  • If there is NO SeriesID, I am taken to a blank Add Comics screen and I can type a series name
  • If there is a BAD SeriesID, I am taken to a blank Add Comics screen and get stuck

Again, I assume this is really rare (and really easy to work around). Just wanted to pass it on… Thanks!

That should be really rare indeed, but I’ve reported the problem with the team anyway for fixing. Thanks for the heads up!

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