So I assume this has to be super rare, but here goes.
I had discovered a duplicate series and reported it. Justin just fixed it, deleting the series I had in my collection.
I went to “Captain America vs Baron Zemo.” That had SeriesID 11589 (but that series has since been removed from the Core).
When I tapped the Add Comics + button, I don’t get the option to change what series I’m in (the “Enter series title” box is missing).
So if I’m in a series folder and tap Add Comics + icon, it looks like:
- If there’s a valid SeriesID, I am taken to the Add Comics screen for that series
- If there is NO SeriesID, I am taken to a blank Add Comics screen and I can type a series name
- If there is a BAD SeriesID, I am taken to a blank Add Comics screen and get stuck
Again, I assume this is really rare (and really easy to work around). Just wanted to pass it on… Thanks!