[Added] Action Comics, Vol. 1 #1 Folio Society Replica (2023)

Near exact reprint bundled with the Folio Society DC Comics: The Golden Age hardcover collection. Cover scans from my personal copy.

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Hey Martin, good to see you already joined the CLZ Club.
One of the content guys will pick this up tomorrow (it’s just past office hours here in Amsterdam).

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Hi @martybee, the Folio Society Replic has been added to the series, as issue #1AJ. Thank you for reporting.

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This is also in CovrPrice, here - https://covrprice.com/issue/action-comics-1-2023-folio-society-replica

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This is also in CovrPrice, here - https://covrprice.com/issue/action-comics-1-2023-folio-society-replica

This has been linked just now, thank you for letting us know.