[Added] America's Kingdom

America’s Kingdom

issue: 1

title: A Preamble of Power, Part 1

publisher: Gnosis Studios

Release: 2022

Cover: 2022

Current Age | Color | USA | English

Comic | 24 pages

Barcode: none

Cost: n/a (Kickstarter released)

Writer: Brian Hawkins

Pencils: Ariz Gonzales

Inker: James Hebert

Colors: Scappattici

Letterer: HDE

Cover Artists: Ariz Gonzales & James Hebert

Cover Inker: Alex Rivera

Cover Colors: Gabriel Roldan


Set in an alternate reality, it’s modern day America but under the reign and rule of a descendant of George Washington, Prince Geoffrey, who is the sole heir and soon-to-be king of the United Kingdom of America. It’s twenty-first century America, but in this alternate history things are subtly different: Knights instead of the Secret-Service, swords have replaced guns, and there’s a rebel group bent on usurping the monarchy of the United Kingdom of America to turn it into a democracy…

The impetus for the story is the civil unrest that exists between the citizens and the monarchy. For many, there’s an unfairness that exists, an imbalance that has put the common person against the royalty of the United Kingdom of America. The civil unrest manifests in the rise of a rebel group that seeks to overthrow the authority of the monarchy and replace the monarchical leadership with a democratic republic, giving the power back to the people. The insurrection begins just as Prince Geoffrey is to be crowned the new King of America after the sudden passing of his father King George X.

America’s Kingdom

issue: 2

title: A Preamble of Power, Part 2

publisher: Gnosis Studios

Release: 2022

Cover: 2022

Current Age | Color | USA | English

Comic | 24 pages

Barcode: none

Cost: n/a (Kickstarter released)

Writer: Brian Hawkins

Pencils: Ariz Gonzales

Inker: James Hebert

Colors: Scappattici

Letterer: HDE

Cover Artists: Ariz Gonzales & James Hebert

Cover Inker: Alex Rivera

Cover Colors: Gabriel Roldan


Set in an alternate reality, it’s modern day America but under the reign and rule of a descendant of George Washington, Prince Geoffrey, who is the sole heir and soon-to-be king of the United Kingdom of America. It’s twenty-first century America, but in this alternate history things are subtly different: Knights instead of the Secret-Service, swords have replaced guns, and there’s a rebel group bent on usurping the monarchy of the United Kingdom of America to turn it into a democracy…

The impetus for the story is the civil unrest that exists between the citizens and the monarchy. For many, there’s an unfairness that exists, an imbalance that has put the common person against the royalty of the United Kingdom of America. The civil unrest manifests in the rise of a rebel group that seeks to overthrow the authority of the monarchy and replace the monarchical leadership with a democratic republic, giving the power back to the people. The insurrection begins just as Prince Geoffrey is to be crowned the new King of America after the sudden passing of his father King George X.

In this alternate reality, indentured servitude exists as a means of debt relief, gun prohibition as a means of control and nationwide safety, and knights that are the “Secret Service” for the royalty are the guardians and protectors of America’s Kingdom. These knights are sword wielding officials that carry the respect and authority both of an officer and a judge, executing the Sovereign’s will. The knights are both feared and respected amongst the citizens, and the rebel forces for democracy, who are smuggling guns back into the United Kingdom of America, are often pitted against these guardians. Ultimately, the monarchy of the soon-to-be king, Prince Geoffrey, and the historical heritage of his several times removed great grandfather, the first George Washington, will have to fight to endure as the citizens of America’s Kingdom attempt to fight for equality in a land that was supposed to be free. In the end, either democracy or the monarchy will prevail in this alternate reality and new-age look at civil war.

America’s Kingdom

issue: 3

title: A Preamble of Power, Part 3

publisher: Gnosis Studios

Release: 2023

Cover: 2023

Current Age | Color | USA | English

Comic | 28 pages

Barcode: none

Cost: n/a (Kickstarter released)

Writer: Brian Hawkins

Pencils: Ariz Gonzales

Inker: James Hebert

Colors: Beezzz Studios

Letterer: Guido Martinez

Cover Artists: Ariz Gonzales & James Hebert

Cover Inker: Alex Rivera

Cover Colors: Beezzz Studios


Set in an alternate reality, it’s modern day America but under the reign and rule of a descendant of George Washington, Prince Geoffrey, who is the sole heir and soon-to-be king of the United Kingdom of America. It’s twenty-first century America, but in this history things are subtly different: Knights instead of the Secret-Service, swords have replaced guns, and there’s a rebel group bent on usurping the monarchy of the United Kingdom of America to turn it into a democracy…

In the fight to keep the United Kingdom of America a sovereign monarchy, Benedictine Arnold, an insurrectionist and rebel for democracy, was captured. … And taken into custody. While in custody, Prince Geoffrey sought answers and information from the rebel about his group’s plans of taking over the Kingdom and the identity of whoever was responsible for bringing guns back into America. But when Benedictine Arnold was found unwilling to cooperate, the soon-to-be King decided that it was best to make an example of the rebel’s treasonous actions to establish his authority and true sovereignty.

Prince Geoffrey gathers his knights and sets out to find those responsible for the return of guns to the land, willing to mete out judgement and consequence to anyone that stands in his way…

@seb added, thank you for reporting.

Can you correct Artist name in issues 1 and 2.

Its Ariz Gonzales. was misspelled Ari"s".

I notice the two different names in Core, but are you SURE it’s Ariz Gonzales, and not Aris Gonzales?

When I’m searching Google on the latter I get results for a comic artist.

Ariz is correct. Core is wrong.

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Corrected, thank you for getting back to this.