[Added] DC Keys

Some minor keys here, for your consideration.

Hitman #9 1st appearance of Sixpack
DC One Million #1 1st appearance of Solaris
DC One Million #4 1st appearance of Superman Prime
JLA/Avengers #4 Iconic Cover
Cosmic Odyssey #2 Destruction of Xanshi

Considering that Section 8 is the greatest team in the known universe (among others), i couldn’t pass the Hitman issue up.
For JLA/Avengers #4 you can say what you will, but i think it is most probably one of the greatest covers ever
I was divided regarding Cosmic Odyssey #2, but considering the destruction of Xanshi has been a constant in John Stewart’s story & the Green Lantern mythos in general, i thought i’d suggest and see what you think.
DC One Million #4 i believe is a no brainer, because Superman Prime always comes up in those “greatest Superman variants ever” lists.

  • Hitman #9: Added

  • DC One Million #1: Added. Was a bit hesitant of adding this as a 1st app., it looks more like a cameo (named). When looking at it it’s very similar to The New Teen Titans, Vol. 1 #4 (Origin & 2nd cameo app. Trigon). But decided against it as his 1st full would be tied with almost all of the #10000 that were released in the same month/week.

  • JLA/Avengers #4: While I agree that it’s a well known cover, I wouldn’t call it Iconic so added it as classic. Definitely should be mentioned!

  • Cosmic Odyssey #2: Added. Story events are fine as long as they have some significance to the character, overall plot (within a run or more), the overall universe and are not the whole summary of that specific issue.

Great list once again! :slight_smile:

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