[Added] Graveyard Shift Supplemental (Haunted Pizza LLC and Secret Door LLC) # 4

Graveyard Shift Supplemental (Haunted Pizza LLC and Secret Door LLC) # 4
Barcode: 9781957298030
Variant Description: N/A
Cover Artist: Tommy Patterson

Writer Jon Malin
Penciller Tommy Patterson
Inker Ben Smith, Nick Schley, Jimmy Reyes
Colorist Snakebite Cortez, Matt Yackey, Gabe Eltaeb, Anthony George
Letterer Eric Weathers
Cover Artist Tommy Patterson
Editor Jon Malin

Product Details
Genre Adventure, Super-Heroes, Horror, Action, Monster
Color Color
Barcode 9781957298030
Country USA
Language English
Release Date 2023

@Warlok this has been added, thank you for reporting.