[Added] Green Lantern Movie Prequel - Newsstand Editions

Newsstand Variant for Green Lantern Movie Prequel - Hal Jordan

Newsstand Variant for Green Lantern Movie Prequel - Kilowog

Newsstand Variant for Green Lantern Movie Prequel - Tomar-Re

I noticed for Tomar-Re, it isn’t listed and the other two are just missing Cover Photos

All have been added! Thank you for posting these :blush:

I just got a scanner, so I’ll be adding some more newsstands and covers that were hard to do before hopefully.

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Nice! Which scanner did you get? Got one myself a while back for scanning slabs. They’re fun ones you find out even scanners have different lenses :sweat_smile:

Oh nothing special, it’s a Canon Pixma MG3620 scanner printer combo. I really had been needing a printer for the longest time, the scanner addition didn’t cost much more so I just pulled the trigger.

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The Tomar-Re cover isn’t showing up.

huh, looks like a broken image. Should be fixed now!