Howdy! I noticed a few new keys for Artgerm (1st DC & Marvel published work), wondering if we can get the same for JSC, given his status. Minor keys of course, under the category of ‘artwork/writing’:
- Batman, Vol. 1 #563 - 1st published cover by J. Scott Campbell at DC
- Daredevil, Vol. 2 #2C - 1st published cover by J. Scott Campbell at Marvel
Also, the key you have on ‘Gen13, Vol. 1 (1994)’ #1 is incorrect, it should be ‘1st published interior art by J. Scott Campbell’. His first cover was Inside Image #6 (already key’ed).
Thank you!
From what I could find this is incorrect. He did a bunch of pin ups so technically calling Gen13 1st published interior art wouldn’t work. In my opinion his 1st pin up is his interior work and should be noted. Not his 1st panel work or the fan/mail letter drawings he did
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@CLZ_Justin you’re right - sorry I was thinking full interior, as the main artist.
The keys you have for Inside Image #6 (first cover), Homage Studios Swimsuit Special #1A (first interior) and Savage Dragon #3 (first published) are correct.
I just watched a video on all of these the other day He said when Savage Dragon #3 was published, he had technically already been hired but it was a fan letter obviously, and not as a paid artist.