[Added] Kabuki HC

The current books you have listed as 1A and 1B are the later Marvel reprints. This is the details for the correct 1B (1A would be all the same, it just isn’t the signed ltd edition I think it was $29.95, not 100% sure on that though). The ones you have as A & B should be in the series under Kubuki HC (Mravel) I would suggest. I believe there are Marvel editions of all these HC, I only have the Marvel Alchemy as this is the first edition, there was no Image version of that volume.

Title: Kabuki HC
Issue: 1
Variant: B
Barcode: There are 2 barcodes on this book Direct sales: 70985328028600111, 978158240049554995
Description: Signed Limited Edition (500)
Title: Kabuki Circle of Blood
Cover Artist: David Mack
Publisher: Image
Release Date: 1997
Country: USA
Format: Hardcover
pages: 272
Writer: David Mack
Artist: David Mack
price $49.95

@Dean Sorry but I’m not sure what you mean.

I’m looking at the series ‘Kabuki HC’ and I’m not sure which ones to move?

@CLZ_Rowdy, Sorry for the confusion. The current listing for 1A and 1B, they are from the Marvel Icon series of HC, where they reprinted the Image books. You are currently missing the original Image printing of the HCs 1A (which I don’t have) and 1B, which is the one I have and have listed the details for. My suggestion was that to move the Marvel reprints into a different series, but that was just a suggestion. Either way if you leave them here you are missing the original 1A and 1B, or have the wrong details for the Marvel reprints. Does that help explain.

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The series ‘Kabuki HC’ was created especially for the Marvel reprint, so with this in mind the other entries here are listed incorrectly.

I did some searching in Core and it appears the entries listed here are comics (either HCs or TPs) that collect issues of various Kabuki series that are already listed in Core (for instance Kabuki: Metamorphosis, Kabuki Dreams, Kabuki: Masks of the Noh)

I tend to relocate these to the corresponding series instead, leaving the series ‘Kabuki HC’ for the Marvel reprints only.

@CLZ_Rowdy, OK that makes sense, I did notice there was some replication.

Could you either create a new listing for the Kabuki Circle of Blood for the Image HCs, or add the 2 image HCs to the Circle of Blood listing you have the original Caliber Comics series.

If you were going to locate all the image HCs, too help you out:
Kabuki Dreams you already have the HC listed in there as well, so there is a duplicate entry, but the barcode isn’t there.
Kabuki Mask of the Noh, you have the tp but not the HC
Kabuki Skin Deep, you have the image trades but not the HCs
Kabuki Metamorphosis is just the name of the collections. This is a collection of the ‘Kabuki’ series from image series, a few of the issues listed under Metamorphosis are duplicates of the ones you have under the image series.
Kabuki Agents: Scarab also lists the image TP but not the HC - The collection actually had it names change it is ‘Scarab - Lost in Translation’ in the indica, Kabuki does not appear in the title.

Hopefulyl that helps.

Hi @CLZ_Rowdy,

I wasn’t sure if you’d missed this one. Could you add in the Kabuki Circle of Blood for the Image HCs, I don’t mind if you create a new listing or add them to the Circle of Blood listing you have the original Caliber Comics series.

The other info was me helping out if you wanted to changes the other ones you had listed, I don’t mind if you change those, I mainly just wanted the Circle of Blood HC so I could add it into my collection.

Thank you.

@Dean I have created this series: ‘Kabuki: Circle of Blood HC / TP (Image Comics)’

I have relocated the other ones that were listed in ‘Kabuki HC’ to their series already listed in Core.

fyi: the entries 1A and 1B in Kabuki HC were published by Marvel Comics, based on the barcodes, so these were left alone.

Hi @CLZ_Rowdy, Yes that all makes sense.

Image also had a HC A and HC B, to make matters more confusing. I have the HC-B the Limited Edition variant. Could you add that one in as well. The details for it as as follow.

Title: Kabuki HC
Issue: 1
Variant: B
Barcode: There are 2 barcodes on this book Direct sales: 70985328028600111, 978158240049554995
Description: Signed Limited Edition (500)
Title: Kabuki Circle of Blood
Cover Artist: David Mack
Publisher: Image
Release Date: 1997
Country: USA
Format: Hardcover
pages: 272
Writer: David Mack
Artist: David Mack
price $49.95

I added this as the HC-B to the series ‘Kabuki: Circle of Blood HC / TP (Image Comics)’ in Core.

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