[Added] Kol'klor # 1 updated info and covers

Comic: Fol’klor
issue: 1
Barcode: none
variant: 1 A Cary Nord regular cover
1 B “…Unto Water Shalt Thou Return” Cary Nord cover

variant description: ——>>>> see above
publisher: Cary Nord Comics

Cover date: 2023
Release date: 2023
Current Age | Color | USA | English
Pages: 36

Cost: USD n/a (Kickstarter released)
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Writer: Cary Nord
Pencils: Cary Nord
Letterer: Nathan Bourgeault
Cover Artist: Cary Nord

Fol’Klor is a 36-page epic fantasy that takes place in a land gripped by darkness —a land at mercy to the whims of the malevolent god of night, Jealous King Noch. Solntse, a young orphan, discovers that she’s host to a great power that lies dormant just below her skin… a power that can no longer be contained. A power that has not gone unnoticed. Afraid of what she might become —afraid of what might become of her adoptive family – she exiles herself to the vast wilderness of the Bereza forest, where she comes face to face with destiny, setting off a chain of events that can not be undone. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the world, a dark agent of night stirs and rises from the inky depths of Lake Ozero with only one agenda —to extinguish the light. Solntse is at once the last hope for mankind and the unwitting herald of it’s impending doom. Can she prevail?

Updated Cover for 2 B without censored bar, but includes signature

Back cover for all #1s

NOTE: above info is good for all variants, other than variant descriptions and cover artists.

@seb added, thank you for reporting.