[Added] Marvel Trade Paperbacks missing two in a row now

What is going on with the new Marvel Trade Paperback releases missing in the core database? Both Resurrection of Magneto TP and now the Miles Morales Spider-Man Vol 2 TP 3 is missing. Neither with the barcode scanner, nor a manual search did find these two.

The strange thing is also that if I scan Miles Morales Spider-Man Vol 2 TP2 again, it does find that comic and puts it in the correct series if I add it again. But if I manually go to that series in the add box, it doesn’t show up in there.

Any idea what is going on?

P.S. Here are the barcodes:

  • Resurrection of Magneto TP: 978130295102551799
  • Miles Morales: Spider-Man Vol 2 TP 3: 97830295469751599

For testing:

  • Miles Morales: Spider-Man Vol 2 TP 2: 978130294853551599

That is indeed very strange. I have added the missing Magneto TP.
Could you send me an image of the Miles Morales TP you are referring to?

Both trade paperbacks have now been added with barcode. Thanks for reporting. Let me know if you come across any other missing marvel tp’s.

Thank you. Will report more if I come across others.