[Added] Missing Comics in CLZ

I’ve sent a cover picture and the inside page info and bar code for Pearl Harbor the Comic Book 1941. It says it’s actually a compilation of Families of Altered Wars #86 and 87.

The second comic is Sherman’s March Through Atlanta to the Sea from the Heritage Collection. There is no information inside the comic or a barcode. I sent a picture of the cover.

Thank you!

‘Pearl Harbor: The Comic Book Compilation’ and ‘Sherman’s March Through Atlanta to the Sea’ have been added to Core. Thank you for reporting.

I can’t find these no matter what I enter in the Core. Could you be more specific on the titles please? The Heritage Collection shows up with 3 comics but Sherman’s March Through Atlanta to the Sea isn’t there. Pearl Harbor: The Comic Book 1941 doesn’t show up in any of the Pearl Harbor series either.

Sorry and thank you!

They show up for me.

I’ve got them now. Thank you. I didn’t know they were case sensitive and that they had to be searched. They didn’t pop up without searching. Thanks for entering them!