[Added] Missing Manga Force Collection DVDs

Are you able to add entries to the core for these bardcodeless Manga Force collection dvds some of the collection are on here but many are not

Tactics Volume 1 ep 1-5
Tactics Volume 2 ep 6-9
Tactics Volume 3 ep 10-13
Tactics Volume 4 ep 14 -17
Tactics Volume 5 ep 18 -21
Tactics Volume 6 ep 22-25

Straight jacket

Tokko volume 1
Tokko volume 2
Tokko volume 3

Heat Guy J ep 18-22
Heat Guy J ep 23-26

Black Jack: Surgeon with the hands of god (movie not the series)

Submarine 707 Revolution Mission 1 & 2

I’ve added the missing Series & Movies to CORE.
Thank you for reporting :slight_smile:

I can’t find any of the manga force versions via the core is there something I am doing wrong? An example of an entry that is in the core is attached image but even that entry is missing the episode information?

I didn’t notice the ones with a (') in the title either. Sorry about that, I merged them with the ones I added.

A title search for “Heat Guy J” will give the correct results (including episodes).