[Added] Playtime

Comic: Playtime

issue: 1

variant: D

variant description: Kickstarter, artist: Aylis

title: Revenge of Cottontail

publisher: Goblin Collectibles

imprint: Press Play Entertainment

Cover date: 2024

Release date: 2024

Current Age | Color | USA | English

Pages: 20

Barcode: none

Cost: n/a (Kickstarter released)

Writer: Zach Petri & Marat Mychaels

Pencils: Ron C Williams

Colors: Lunyo Alves

Letterer: ZEN

Cover Artist: Aylis

Editor: Russ Casseday


A sexy and fierce bottle girl loses her best friend in a shootout between two rival gangs. She decides to take revenge on those responsible as the vigilante, Cottontail. This is a book for those that love sexy, classy, and fierce femme fatale’s.

@seb this new series and the issue have been added to Core.

You mentioned this is variant 1D. Just out of curiosity, what makes you say this is #1D Can you lead me to the other variants?

Thank you in advance.

Rowdy, attached are the covers from Publisher and Identity Letters they used.

2 photos of each cover, the first with artist information for your usage and the second is cover only.

@seb added, thank you for reporting.