[Added] Rich by Mary Landro

Hi Team,

Can we get a new series add for ‘Rich’ by Mary Landro.

Format: Squarebound
Release Date: March 2024
Publisher: Self Published

Country: Canada
Language: English
Age: Modern
No. of Pages: 42
Genre: Fantasy, Horror

Writer: Mary Landro
Artist: Mary Landro
Letterer: Mary Landro
Editor: John Landro, Branden McNaughton
Cover Artist: Mary Landro

In a post-apocalyptic, dark fantasy world of monsters and magic, two characters’ paths diverge towards darkness or light as they begin their journey in search of vengeance, survival, and answers to lingering mysteries from their pasts.

Trade cover:

Trade back:

J. Scott Campbell variant cover:

@FranDropik added, thank you for reporting.

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Amazing, thank you @CLZ_Rowdy :slight_smile: