[Added] Samurai of Oz, Vol. 2, #1

Hi Team,

Like Valkyrie Saviors, I believe this is a new volume from Mount Olympus Comics. Can I get a new series added for ‘Samurai of Oz, Vol. 2’ #1:

CA: BearWitch
Writer: Ron Z
Publisher: Mount Olympus Comics
Release date: July 2024
Format: Comic

Bearwitch ‘Steller Blade Cosplay’ Nice Virgin Variant (Ltd. 50)

Bearwitch ‘Steller Blade Cosplay’ Naughty Virgin Variant (Ltd. 75)

Bearwitch ‘Steller Blade Cosplay’ Full Naughty Virgin Variant (Ltd. 100)

Bearwitch ‘Steller Blade Cosplay’ Metal Naughty Virgin Variant (Ltd. 30)

Bearwitch ‘Steller Blade Cosplay’ Metal Full Naughty Virgin Variant (Ltd. 30)

Thank you!


Added, thank you for reporting.

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Thank you Rowdy :slight_smile: