[Added] Scooby-Doo... Where Are You!, Vol. 3 #7

With Scooby-Doo… Where Are You!, Vol. 3 #7, there’s a recalled edition. It uses the same front and back cover as the corrected edition.

In short, that month there was a V for Vendetta ad in most comics. They printed that Scooby with that ad. They realized a kid’s book shouldn’t have that ad so they recalled the run and printed new ones with a kid-friendly ad instead. Copies of the recalled book survived.

Worthy of being added?

The write-up from Recalled Comics:

That’s funny :joy:
One thing though is that we have a direct and newsstand. The article only covers the direct…Do you think the newsstand has been recalled as well? My guess is that the directs are shipped out earlier.
I have added the direct for now. Thank you for posting!

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I have never seen evidence of the recalled newsstand. I agree with you that there was enough delay that they likely never made (or at least released) the questionable newsstand edition.

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