[Added] Scout Select comics

There is a “Scout Comics’ WhatNot Select” variant to certain Scout Comics series. These are variations of existing covers. There are no barcodes and the back covers are just lighter sketch editions of the front covers.

This is from their Facebook page:

I have three from a recent grab bag…

Core Series: The Shepherd Apokatastasis
Indicia: “The Shepherd Apokatastasis, Issue 1, Special Edition. 2023”
Cover by David Mack
Variant of the cover to 1B

Core Series: SideQuest
Indicia: “SIDEQUEST, Issue 1, Special Edition. 2023”
Cover by Jack Foster
Variant of the cover to 1D

Core Series: Sam and his Talking Gun
Indicia: “Sam and His Talking Gun, Issue 1, Special Edition. 2023”
Cover by Lee Ferguson
Variant of the cover to 4

@Reinharc these have been added, thank you for reporting.

Regarding this:

Indicia: “Sam and His Talking Gun, Issue 1, Special Edition. 2023”
Cover by Lee Ferguson
Variant of the cover to 4

This is a variant to issue #1, am I correct?