[Added] Speculative Relationships

Issue number 2 of this anthology series is listed in the datebase but not issues #1 nor #3. Here’s the info on those:

Issue #1
Released in 2014
Barcode: 978099059250151500
Format: Softcover
Pages: 73
Publisher: Rink Printing
Black & white interiors
Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance
Country: USA
Language: English
Cover price: $15
Creators (each has their own story in the book and each is both writer and artist for their story): Tyrell Cannon, Rinko Endo, Daniel Warren Johnson, Scott Kroll, Michael Manomivibul, Isabella Rotman
Lettering: Tyrell Cannon, Scott Kroll, Tina Chan, Clare Fauke
Cover Artist: Michael Manomivibul


Back cover:

Issue #3
Released in 2017
Barcode: 978099059252552200
Format: Softcover
Pages: 180
Publisher: Print Ninja
Black & white interiors
Genres: Sci-Fi, Romance
Country: USA
Language: English
Cover price: $22
Creators (each has their own story in the book and each is both writer and artist for their story): Barrett Stanley, Andrew Misisco, Will Tempest, Max Dowdle & Morrow Dowdle, Landis Blair, Kawai Shen, John Vestevich, Kitty Curran, Amara Leipzig, Matthew Sargent, Beck Kramer, Roxanne Palmer, M.L. MacDonald, M.R. Trower
One story had an individual writer, artist and letterer and here’s the credits for that:
Writer: Jacob Bouvet
Artist: Amanda Johnson
Letterer: Nikki Sherman
Cover artist: Jose Moreno
Edited by: Tyrell Cannon, Scott Kroll


These have been added.

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Thank you, however most of the writer/artist credits did not get listed for either book.

I am still processing some other reports. I will try to add them later today.

Cool, #3 also needs the barcode (#1 has its barcode though).

I think I got them all in.