[Added] The Consumptive - Mini Comic Anthology

Created by Jamie Tanner
Published by Consumptive Press

This first issue contains two short stories - The Advance and Lucky Boy - as well as selections from Always On Brand , a series of experiments in surreal social media comics poetry.
22 Pages

Contains two short stories - The Wanderings of the Young Girl Giant and AMUSEMENT - as well as further selections from Always On Brand , a series of experiments in surreal social media comics poetry.
34 pages

Contents include INVENTORY , a longish indulgence in post-apocalyptic foolishness, as well as further selections from Always On Brand , a series of experiments in surreal social media comics poetry, and The Winner’s Circle , comics offering personal predictions and useful life advice.
42 pages

Fourth issue in this (very slowly) ongoing mini-comics series, a one-man anthology of odd comics by Jamie Tanner.

Contents include TESTIMONY, a baffling missive from the AfterDays, as well as further selections from Always On Brand (surreal social media comics poetry) and The Winner’s Circle (sage predictions and practical life advice).

Please consume.
42 pages

@jebbe added, thank you for reporting.