[Added] The Re-Up

Series title: The Re-Up

Issue #1
June 2022
Published by Bistro Books
Writer: Chad Bilyeu
Artist: Juliette de Wit
Cover price: $8
Pages: 24
black & white
Plot: Before he was known as “Chad in Amsterdam”, Chad Bilyeu spent a decade in Washington, DC where he lived many lives. Most notably he worked at and graduated from Georgetown University. However, unbeknownst to most he also sold copious amounts of drugs there. The Re-Up is a crime story unlike any other; as it details how Bilyeu sold drugs from 2004 to 2008 at Georgetown University in Washington DC and later throughout the East Coast of America. The life of a drug dealer is given nuance and depth rarely seen, as told directly by the person who actually lived the life.

Issue 1 cover:

Issue #2
November 2022
Published by Bistro Books
Writer: Chad Bilyeu
Artist: Juliette de Wit
Cover price: $8
Pages: 24
black & white
Plot: Now that Chad has made the decision to sell weed, he has to actually go and get it. The finer details of ascertaining and transporting a pound of kind bud in the year 2004 are revealed in this second issue of The Re-Up.

Issue 2 cover:

Issue #3
July 2023
Published by Bistro Books
Writer: Chad Bilyeu
Artist: Juliette de Wit
Cover price: $8
Pages: 24
black & white
Plot: Chad’s weed operation is in the incipient stage and seemingly going well, but he still hasn’t mustered up the strategy or the nerve to sell at Georgetown University. During a rather serendipitous work day, he discovers valuable information that manifests some fresh ideas on how he can succeed.

Issue 3 cover:

Issue #4
November 2023
Published by Bistro Books
Writer: Chad Bilyeu
Artist: Juliette de Wit
Cover price: $8
Pages: 24
black & white
Plot: Having figured out an effective stratagem to sell weed on the campus, Chad has finally become “the weedman.” However, his progress with soliciting contraband has negatively affected his studies, and he needs to make a decision as to which to focus upon, his studies or hustling.

Issue 4 cover:

Issue #5
March 2024
Published by Bistro Books
Writer: Chad Bilyeu
Artist: Juliette de Wit
Cover price: $8
Pages: 24
black & white
Plot: Having ascertained a stash house, Chad takes the operation to the next level. This issue prominently features “The Supplier,” and expounds upon his and Chad’s friendship and business relationship.

Issue 5 cover:

I made a post that is still “pending approval from an admin” about another comic series that needs to be added by the same writer so check that out too if you can.

@MetalChris added both series, thank you for reporting.