[Added] The Unreality 1

Comic: The Unreality
issue: 1
Barcode: none
variant: A to F — See Pictures for Name and Artist information
variant description: Kickstarter
title: Part 1 of 3
publisher: Underglow Comics

Cover date: March 2024
Release date: March 2024
Current Age | Color | England | English
Pages: 20

Cost: USD n/a (Kickstarter released)
Genre: Adult, Crime
Writer: Gary Parkin
Pencils: Daniel Caval
Colors: Federico Sioc
Cover Artist: See Pictures for Name and Artist information


They say that when you die in a dream, you wake up in the real world. But what about if you’re asleep when you die in the real world? Here we explore that concept through the eyes of Ethan the Hitman, and his loyal girlfriend Adriana, who may be in more danger than they realise! With a healthy blend of action, adventure, and a couple of NSFW bits, The Unreality is the perfect antithesis to the decompressed storytelling found in too many comics these days.

The Unreality 1 A Foil cover by Daniel Caval

The Unreality 1 B cover by Gary Parkin

The Unreality 1 C Black & White cover by Daniel Caval & Federico Sioc

The Unreality 1 D Virign cover by Gunbird, Gary Parkin & Federico Sioc

The Unreality 1 E Topless cover by Gary Parkin

The Unreality 1 F Limited cover (20 copies) by Gary Parkin

@seb this has been added. I could not notice any cover artists’ names though.

I thought I included in file names.

I’ll look later and give you a list.

Unreality cover artist info
A Daniel Caval
B Gary Parkin
C Daniel Caval & Federico Sioc (B&W edition)
D Gunbird, Gary Parkin & Federico Sioc (virgin cover)
E Gary Parkin (topless cover)
F Gary Prkin (limited cover of 20 copies)

I had the artist info in the picture names. If this does not work for you in future, let me know and will add to message body.

PS… The comic is produced in England / United Kingdom and not USA. Please make change.

Thanks Steven Baker

@seb I have updated the entries with the cover artist information. Also corrected the country.

I had the artist info in the picture names. If this does not work for you in future, let me know and will add to message body.

I don’t know what happened here. If I let my cursor hoover above the images in this post nothing pops up.
This did work for your earlier post about The Naked Spy.

Thank you for reporting.