[Added] Torso


The entry you have as HC-B. Should be HC-A, it is the first printing. The one you have as HC-A is a later printing from 2012

Title: Torso
Variant: HC-A
Description: First Printing, Limited Edition Hardcover
Barcode: 978158240173754995
Date: Dec 2000

Corrected, thank you for reporting.

Hi @CLZ_Rowdy you still have the date on this one as 2012 instead of Dec 2000. Cheers.

@Dean Hm strange, Iā€™m looking at the HC-A entry in Core and I see Dec 2000 listed as date.

(I did forgot to add the barcode (978158240173754995) though, so I added that just now.)

Let me know if it still gives the incorrect date.

Hi @CLZ_Rowdy that seems correct now

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