[Added] Unfound Variant

Please help find or add to core.

Thank you

@Shyboy90744 this isnt listed in Core… yet!

I’m looking at the front- and backcover and see different prices. I’m also not to sure about the EXACT series title.

Can you let me know, in text please, the exact name of the series and the name of the publisher? Thank you in advance!

Thanks for the reply.

I just reached out to the publisher which is RAE comics

The price is $30.00 front page price is just a mock up to pay to the homage of that era.

Title of the book is called Shattered Visions.

Also stated that a 100 page graphic novel

Hope this helps.

@Shyboy90744 ‘Shattered Visions’ has been added to Core. It appears the comic you have is a variant, so I added that one as #1B.

Thank you for reporting and getting back to us!

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Thanks for the reply and the awesome work all you guys/ladies do……

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It is our pleasure. Thank YOU for being part of the gang :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

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