Adding by issue que

Ok, I’ll try to explain this the best I can.

So, as when we scan by the barcode, it adds to a que. is it possible or realistic to add that feature when looking up and adding by issue number.

The reason I ask, I tend to add issue for a variant theme, that span multiple titles. And I want to add to a que as looking up and add to my collection at the time. That’s because i add tags to those books and want to complete the pre-fill screen one time.

The pre-fill screen should remember whatever you filled in last for your last add. So: you should be able to add one issue through the “Issue” tab, fill in the pre-fill fields, and then add the next one with the same filled in data in pre-fill.

I understand the request, but right now it is not in the cards to change the interface to be able to “add to a queue” (we would probably be able to come up with something logical, but it would be in multiple screens most likely which probably takes away from how fast you might expect this to be for you).