Adding Cover Images

More than happy to acknowledge that this might be a case of PICNIC (Problem In Chair, Not In Computer), but… When I add or edit a book, the only option to change the image seems to be to take a photograph. Am I missing the desktop option to change to a different image?

Thanks for your question. When you’re in edit mode > Cover tab, you see a Folder icon next to the camera icon. When you tap that icon, you can also select an image from your camera roll. This may be a previous stored image.

Apologies for my lack of clarity, but what I was hoping for was something like you get in the desktop and web versions when you select ‘Find Online’ and can choose one of a range of covers at various resolutions.

It is indeed true that “Find Online” is currently not available in the mobile app. It is currently only available in Book Connect and Book Collector.

It is on our ideas list to add it to CLZ Books mobile app though!


That’s great news! Many thanks.

Look forward to that being added to the mobile app.