Adding Custom Icons?

Anyone else using Movie Collector added any custom icons to enhance the software?
I’ve added country and language flags, rating icons, various sight and sound Icons.

I don’t think that is possible in Movie Connect.

My bad Movie Collector NOT Movie Connect :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I edited post

I have done pretty much the same as you other than the split flags and I have combined some Format and Ratings when the discs are combine. Mainly 3D Blu-ray and Blu-ray and then, for example if the file has an extended edition that has a different Rating.

Looks nice, our layouts are very similar. Did you have to make separate combination rating and format icons for all the variables? Seems like a lot to manage. Wish they had checkbox lists for multiple options to do this.


Yes I made separate combination rating and format icons. I started doing that once I realized that Conan had the 3D and 2D on the same disc. For the longest time I was looking for a cheap Conan blu-ray as my 3D TV crapped out on me almost a year and half ago. Once I realized it was a combo, I came up the ideal for the combined Format as I had been doing the combined ratings for awhile before that.

Below is what it looks like when I select one of the combined icons:


As I have created a bunch of new Icons, it usually doesn’t take me all that long unless I have to go looking for a Icon if I don’t already have a copy.

The ability to add new Icons to the program is one of the things that I really like about Movie Collector. For me, it is pretty straight forward in adding them.


I have tried to ad icons almost everywhere I was able to.


Master Finn,
Nice work!

What pixel measurements are you using to create your custom icons? Any other tips?


When I started to create some of my own icons, once I located where they were stored in, I just started using the existing icons as a starting point. If you don’t know already, the icons should be stored in the folder found using this path: C:\Users\ user/ screen name>\Documents\Movie Collector\Images\Listitemimages

For example, the US rating images all are roughly 60 pixels high with the width ranging from 69 pixels for a G rating all the way up to 336 pixels for the PG-13/Unrated combined icon I created.

I use Gimp v2.10.34 to create/edit my icons, but I think pretty much any decent paint program will work. When I am editing an icon, I zoom in on the icon to 800% (which is the highest percent that Gimp lists as one of the defaults) which allows me to draw/paint pixel-by-pixel.

Once you have an icon that you want to use, to create a new icon for the program, you need to open the Manage Pick Lists box and select what ever field you want to create the new icon to start. Before you create your first one, I would suggest that you look at a couple of existing icons and more or less copy how they are set up. It is fairly easy to add new icons.

The screen shot below shows some of the icons that I have created in the Audience Rating field:

Just to let you know not every option field will display an icon, even if you add an icon.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the info. I started with your suggestion in the media format and created my own MP4, MKV and some others. It looks great once implemented. Your example was most helpful.

You can find flag icons here Gallery of sovereign state flags - Wikipedia
and ratings icons Motion picture content rating system - Wikipedia
This will help you get started. I shrink my down to 32 pixels tall x whatever width in MS paint. Works out pretty nice once you get things set up.

Thank you very much, the URLs are most helpful.