Adding multiple writers/artists/etc. at once?

It used to be you could select multiple artists at once by selecting the checkbox with the name and then add all of these in one go. This seems no longer possible in the latest version.
Or is it? If so, how do I do this?
I find it very frustrating to have to do the same thing over and over to add multiple names to a new registration.

(It’s still possible the old way in the list of ‘Signed’ under the Value tab)

I second this. No longer possible since the artist changes were made.

Hi Barty and Corintian,

In version 23.7, we update Comic Collector to finally make it possible to sync customized creators and characters to/from the CLZ Cloud and the CLZ Comics mobile app.

To make that syncing as seamless as possible, we also changed the adding of creators, to make it easier to select the actual creator entry from Core. This helps to make creators consistent across desktop, cloud and mobile app.

Just type a few letters and this screen will search the actual central Core creators list and lets you pick from there.

But yes, you guys are right. With this re-design we indeed lost the ability to do multiple searches, select multiple creators and add them all in one go. We found this was a small price to pay, compared to the gained ease of finding creators in Core AND, most importantly, the ability to actually SYNC your customized creator lists.

I assume that the ability to sync was a huge upgrade for you guys? I mean, if you are adding creators yourself, then you must be stoked to finally see these addition appear on the mobile app too?

If you are not interested in syncing your custom creator lists, or if you find that adding multiple in one go is more important, then a solution might be to just downgrade your software to version 23.6.3. Let me know if you are interested in that, and I will give you the download link.

Hi Alwin,

for me this syncing feature is not that interesting, I actually hardly use the mobile app. If I do it’s only to see if I already own a certain issue or not when I’m in a bookstore.
(yes, those physical ones, they still exist!) I am a hardcore desktop user.
And I never had any trouble finding a creator because it always has been the way you describe now, just type a few letters and get a list.

So yes, to me the ‘old’ way was more important then this upgrade feature, but I’m not going to downgrade my software. That would mean I’ll have to pass on all the upcoming upgrades too, wouldn’t it? That’s not an option.
I just don’t understand why keeping the checkboxes to select multiple names would hurt your syncing system in any way. All logic is missing to me on that thought, but that could just be me.

I’ll keep doing it one by one from now on I guess, but with a sad face… (and sighing)

I would recommend to do the downgrade. You can download v23.6.3 here:
If there is going to be a future update that you ARE interested in, then you can always do the upgrade at that time. We have nothing planned at the moment, so you should be good for a while.

You are fully correct there. Keeping the checkboxes would not hurt the syncing in any way. However, the new Add Creator screen was built from the ground up, fully meant as a “search Core” screen. And it just never occurred to us to add the checkbox / multi-add system to the new screen.

I’ll think about the downgrade but I’ll be losing some other bug fixes too, so don’t know yet.

And on the second note, that’s a missed chance for your UX-designer then.
Maybe reconsider it and bring it back to make some people happy.

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Oh my, possibly one of your programmers could add the feature when he has a bit of spare time :wink: I know, this won’t happen easily, but it surely would be much appreciated :slight_smile: Else, the software rocks and your lightning speed response time to all questions is fascinating. Keep it up, Dutch people.