Adding Purchase Store from Phone or Desktop a little different?

I have been unable to edit my Stores that I purchase from on the Desktop nor Add a Store. But I can add a store from the mobile App. Can I edit the Store names? I have a mistake that needs correcting. And how do I add a new Purchase Store on the Desktop? It does not show an option to add a new store, like the phone. I know I’m missing to do something.


On the desktop version, adding a Purchase Store is done by simply typing it in the box.
You can manage your list of Purchase Stores using Manage Pick Lists from the Edit menu, then choose Purchase Store.

Thank you. Part 2: follow-up. But if I incorrectly spelled one wrong and want to correct for database and all previous entries. Is that possible?

Thank you. Part 2: follow-up. But if I incorrectly spelled one wrong and want to correct for database and all previous entries. Is that possible?

You can edit the store name in Manage Pick Lists. It will update for any entry using that store name automatically.

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thank you so much. I did not know this. So helpful.