All Creator Search

What happened to the ability to select “All Creators” in the filter? Now the only option is to select Writer, Artist, Inker, Cover Artist, etc. Can the “All Creators” search be returned please? I use it every day.

It’s still available, it is called “Creators”.

Not on the version I am looking at online. See attached.

Ah, you posted in the CLZ Comics forum, so I assumed your question was about the CLZ Comics mobile app.

So… this is about the CLZ Cloud site?

Yes, I suppose it is. Why would that make a difference?

Ah, the All Creators option indeed got broken earlier today!
It is back now. Thanks for spotting and reporting this so quickly.

Two completely different products, with different feature sets, different code base, etc…

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Thank you so much. This is a huge deal to me. As I said, I use this every day.