Are you using "Loan Manager", "Collection Status", and "Location"?

I’ve been using both Desktop and Connect for nearly 20 years, but for some reason, I’ve never used the following features:

  • Loan Manager
  • Collection Status
  • Location

I’m sure there are many other features I don’t utilize, but these stand out because they’re so prominent in the UI. I wonder how many others in the community use these features… Maybe I’m missing something?

I use collection status to list “on order” and, when I thin the collection occasionally I mark things as “for sale” until I get rid of them. I’ve never loaned a record so have no use for loan manager. Can’t think of why I ever would loan a record or cd. I don’t currently use location but am thinking about it.

Loan Manager: No. Never used it. I never loan anything out.

Collection Status: Yes, all of the time. I have 20,000 items in my collection, so I often do a purge and take a bunch of them to charity shops. These ones I mark as “Not In Collection” so I know that I once owned them and have no need to purchase them again.

Location: Yes. With that amount of discs, it’s beneficial to know where everything is. the majority of my collection lives on either shelves, storage boxes, or folders if the disks have no case.

I am an avid Movie Collector user that needs to get back to using my Music Collector (V21.0.3) software as I have been neglecting it for some time. But the issues are the same.

I use “Location” as my normal go-to way to sort via folders. It makes it easier to find things in the 108 (no joke) physical places I keep my collections. And as I’m getting more forgetful (old) I need all the help I can get.

I used the “Loan” feature once 10 years ago. I never did get that movie back. LOL … waste of time for me.

I utilize “Collection Status” for all my movies. But I’ve never used “Not in Collection” or “Sold” .

I recently began using “On Wish List” quite a bit. I’m finding it helpful to remember upcoming releases as well as monitor older movies that I’d like to add to my collection or am trying to find.

Additionally I’ve added multiple “Collections” as a means of keeping things organized. Try it.

Thanks, everyone, for the replies. Given that I never borrow/loan CDs and records and that all my collection is in one place, I don’t need these features. I have a few thousand CDs and records, but they are all in my room, so it is relatively easy to locate each one. I completely understand how and why others use them!

A little late to this party, but thought I’d add one more thought to the mix. Never use (or used) the others, but since I’ve started collecting non-physical-CD/Vinyl music, I now use In Collection/Not in Collection to separate electronic files from physical artefacts. My leaky memory sometimes tries to convince me I own a CD when the music is just .WAV files on my media server.

Isn’t that what the Format field is for, e.g. Vinyl, Cassette, CD, Files?

@TinPanFan Dude create yourself a Format to help your “Leaky Memory”.
I have CRS…Cant Remember Shit. LOL

lots of easy icons to use.

I use the collection status for wishlist and collection all the time. I don’t really use the not in collection status for music, but I do regularly use it in the book software for books I’ve read from the library or elsewhere but don’t want to add to the wishlist.

First, I have to say that I only use Music Collector, not the Connect product, so … mileage may vary for others.

Using “Not in Collection” for files (as well as marking them in Format) allows this display, with non-artefact items clearly distinguished from CD/Vinyl shelved albums.

@roybo: Never thought of that (as well as a few dozen million other things).

Wouldn’t you get the same thing with a folder structure Format/Genre?

That’s an idea. Good thing I’m retired and have time to pursue good ideas.

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