I’ve gotten my hands on 3 PS3 games marked Region 3.
According to Wiki, this is: Asia (except Japan and South Korea)
Which Region would you link these to in CLZ, and in PriceCharting.
“” (categorised under SIE Asia : Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Lao People’s Demoncratic Republic, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam)“”
We link games with a “Game Software Rating Regulations” Rating (Taiwan, HongKong, and some other countries from Southeast Asia) to the region “Taiwan”. CERO ratings to “Japan” and all other region 3 releases can be linked to “Asia”.
We are still checking everything, so if you have selected another region we will correct this.
PriceCharting only has Asia and Japan as an option to select.