Back button doesnt work

When i hit the plus sign and go searching for a comic, whether it be series, issue, barcode, or pull list…i can no longer hit the phones back button to go to the app home page like in the past. This recent and changed in the last update. In order to go back i need to ise the app’s back button.

I hope i was able to explain that. Let me know if you need further info.

This was an issue in CLZ Comics for Android.

We have fixed this issue yesterday in version v9.3.5:

Your app may have updated itself already (check the menu top left, the version number is at the top).

If it hasn’t updated itself yet, here’s how to force the update:

  1. On your device, open the Play Store app.
  2. Search “CLZ” and select your CLZ app.
  3. Tap “Update” to update the app.

Can you please let me know if that worked or not?