Batman: The Complete History

Title: Batman: The Complete History
Issue: HC
Variant: B
Barcode: 978081182668690000
Description: Collector’s Edition Hardcover
Cover Artist: Bob Kane
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Release Date: 1999
Country: USA
Format: HC
Pages: 228
Writer: Les Daniels
Layouts: Chip Kidd

Plot: Collector’s Edition - 1st printing. By Les Daniels. Following on the heels of Superman: The Complete History, author Les Daniels spotlights another crime fighter - Batman. This is a definitive account of Batman’s heroic exploits, from his creation and runaway success in 1989, to the campy antics of the Adam West TV show, to the emergence of Frank Miller’s Dark Knight, to the billion-dollar movie franchise and beyond. Illustrated with archival comic book art and rare Batman paraphernalia, Batman: The Complete History also includes a comic book story colored by animator Bruce Timm especially for this book. Hardcover, 8 1/2-in. x 10-in., 228 pages, full color. This edition of this book contains an additional 16 pages of cover art from DC’s Batman comic books. Note: Do Not Confuse with the regular version of this book. This book does not have a cover price and the ISBN is different as well.

@Dean Thank you for reporting, however I would advice to manually add this one to your local database instead. This is more of book, instead of a comic.

@CLZ_Rowdy this book is already in the core in two other editions, the standard UK HC and the paperback release are in the core. There are also a number of Comic reference books in the core. for that reason I respectfully disagree and believe this should be in the core.
Kind regards,


But…by that reasoning, we will be never be allowed to CHANGE our guidelines for what should and should not be in Core, are we? I mean, okay, we made the mistake of allowing a book like that to be added in the past. So now we are stuck with it and are obliged to keep adding them?

Hi @CLZ_Alwin, it is obviously your app, so you can do what you want, but my thought was that it should encompass comics, comic related art books and comic reference books. I’ve got Alan Moore and Grant Morrision novels, they aren’t comic related, and in my mind they don’t belong in the app. Likewise I have some Batman novels that I wouldn’t add.

But books like Batman: The Complete History or say Mythology: The DC Comics Art of Alex Ross, while they aren’t comics, they are replicating comic pages and covers and in my mind it makes sense for it to be in the app. It is like Blow Up - the Sean Philips art book i Submitted that was decline, the art in the book are comic crops ‘blow up’ and crop from pages or sketches. In my mind it makes sense for these books to be in the core.

Ultimately it is up to you guys, but I would think the reason that books like this are in the core are that other users also see the link.

But, you CAN have them in the app.
This discussion is about having them included in CORE.

Can I ask you something? Why is it so important for you that these books are added in Core? I mean, you can add them to your app anyway, you probably already did.

Hi @CLZ_Alwin,
100% I could just add them to my own app/collection, that was what I did initially when I started adding books, if something was missing I’d just add it myself. I think it is a really amazing app. For years I’d wanted the desk top program for a Mac, and at the time that wasn’t an option, and then when I saw that was an app I was sold straight away.

Then, after a while I started to think that by submitting corrections and missing books I could help make the app better and quicker for others who might also have those same books. Those books are part of my ‘comic’ collection, and I think other collects would feel the same, so having them in the core allows others to also easily add them, which makes sense to me.

I think adding to the core is a community minded thing more than anything else.

I hope that helps.