Blank Actor Images

I’m trying to make Movie Connect work for me. I find way to many blank images for the actors. In the desk top version I could upload my own images. I would like to be able to do this in connect as well. It seems it should be something that can be done since I can upload a movie cover or back image from my computer in Movie Connect right now. Also I think an oval image would look better or at least a little bit bigger image than the way it is right now.

Thanks, John

It is not possible to upload your own actor images, but we can of course add missing ones for you if you post here:

What do you mean with oval images? Oval instead of square for actor images?

I guess I should have said round like IMDB or PLEX has. I don’t mind the shape but I would like them to be a little bigger like TMDB. One feature I would like to see with those is I like the way Jellyfin has thire images and when you click on one it brings up the other movies in your collection with them in it. I know I can do this with folders, but its just better the way they do it. I don’t understand why you can add your own cover images, but not actor images. If I sent you a list of blank actor images it would be several hundred and I’m not sure you would want that. Is there a way users could help with adding blank actor images. I also hope there will be some new upgrades to movie connect soon. It seem your attention has been on other projects. By switching to connect, we have lost the ability to customize our collections like we could with the desktop version. One last suggestion, in a future upgrade could we have the abilty to hide the episodes if we want in TV Series, it just clutters up to much of the screen.

Thanks, John

Alright so I’ve taken note that you would like circular actor images, which might be a cool new look for the details panel indeed. I like this suggestion.

As for actors linking to other movies: On the mobile app we currently have it that you can tap on an actor, and see all his/her movies in your collection - that will likely make its way to Connect too.

You can not add your own actor images, because we have them in Core, which are shared for all users for the movies with that actor. We do the same for covers (but you can indeed upload your own to overwrite our standard cover).

Well I’m just saying you can report a couple you really want to see (just a quick solution if you really want it) and we can fasttrack those and add them for you if you really want them. I’m not asking for all of them of course (we can easily see the thousands of actors without an image in our online database) - our content managers do add actor images to empty ones every now and then as an ongoing job.

There’s currently no way for users to submit actor images - but it might be a good one for our CoreCMS project where users can help us with data. Noted.

As for adding your own actor images: This is not something we’re likely building into Connect - but I’ve taken note of your request.

I understand that for it feels like the episodes clutter the screen (whereas I have request to actually expand on episodes for series as “that is the most important thing” for some users). I’ve taken note of your request as well, thank you.