Box Set

I didn’t find anyway to add a box set in Book Connect. There is no box set like there is in Movie Connect.
Is there any plan to add it?

Book Connect does have box sets, but you have to create them yourself:

  1. Add all the books from the box set first
  2. Select the books (use the checkboxes in your main list where all your books are)
  3. Click “Edit” on the action bar
  4. Select the “Box Set” field (and no other fields!)
  5. Enter the name of the box set and save it.

I have a video where you can see me do steps 2 through 4:

I use this quite extensively for various things in Book Collector, and it works really well for my purposes.
However, I do have a question: how does it determine the order of the books in the ‘Books’ tab of the Box Set? Whether I add books one at a time, or add all the books together, it ends up in a random order and I have to resort the tab.
It’s not a major issue, but slightly annoying!

On Book Connect:
Under the books tab of box set you can drag books up/down to set them in the order you’d like!

Yep, I know that :laughing:

My question was: how is the order on box sets determined in the first place; it seems to be pretty much in a random order!

I think it might be years or in order of adding them. (but if you select multiple books, then use “edit multiple” it might be on internal ID.

Year would be better if it does that, will check.

It’s using the “index” field of the book. So not exactly random, but not exactly useful either as a default sort. I’ve taken note.

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Thank you!