Browse Series by First Letter

Is there any way to browse Series by the first letter? I want to browse to put comics in my wishlist, but I don’t have a comprehensive list of comic series. The best I have found us using StashMyComics as a cross reference, but that is sometimes down.

Browsing series by First Letter, on iOS (I noticed you are on iOS) is possible in your own collection:

  • Go to your main list of comics, grouped by “Series” (folder button top left, then tap Series)
  • Use the A-Z bar on the right to quickly scroll to a letter.

However, I see you mention adding comics to Wish List. So I’m kinda assuming here you want to use the “Add Comics” screen to browse “all our series” that we have in Core, to find series you want to put on Wish List? If so, I’m afraid that is not possible.

Thank you for the reply. That was very helpful. Yes, I was hoping to browse for new comics I might want to enjoy reading or covers to buy in the future. For now, I will continue to use a cross reference.