BUG: Add Manually doesn’t work for Hardware in CLZ Games

When Add Manually is clicked inside the “Add Hardware from Core” window, the screen for adding a game manually is shown, instead of the one for hardware.

Mmm, that bug was reported AND fixed two days ago.

Are you still seeing this?

I tried it on a different computer and it worked correctly, so I guess it’s probably a caching issue. Good to know for anybody encountering the same thing! Cheers

Well, what happens now is that the right Add popover window appears (i.e. the Add hardware manually screen), but instead of saving the item as hardware, it is saved as a game (i.e. when you open the item afterwards the game popover appears and the item is only visible in the list of games, not in the list of hardware).


Indeed, that was still bad! We’ve just fixed this. Can you give it 1 more try and let me know if it is working correctly for you now?

Seems to work correctly now, thanks for the quick reply and fix!!

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