Bug report and improvement request

Hi there,

I’ve been a user of Gameye, but I decided to subscribe to CLZ because your barcode scanner works so much better for PAL EU games. This alone saves me so much time that I’m actually swapping to CLZ for my entire game collection.

However, I have found an issue and I would like to suggest some improvements if allowed.

Fyi, I’m using iOS version 9.5.1

First the bug…
When the barcode scanner finds multiple results for the same barcode, the app suggests those results for me to choose from with a confirm button at the bottom. I’m able to select one of the presented games, but somehow the confirm button doesn’t work. Clicking on it does not do anything and I have no other option then to manually search for the game title and select the corresponding version myself.

On to the improvements

  1. Some games have a special metal case. There are not that many metal case covers or versions when searching using the barcodes. So I generally create a tag ‘metal case’ that I manually assign the game. No issue so far… but the only wayto make the tags visible in the game library is to go into ‘Other fields’ and select Tag. Quite a hazzle but it works. It would be nice if we can add custom fields to the game library.

  2. Brings me to the second improvement and in fact the most important one.
    Some games I added do not have a manual. There is no option for me to quickly see which games in my library don’t have a manual. Whenever a game is added without a manual it still shows as ‘CIB’ in the game library, which is exactly true as it is missing its manual.

Perhaps I’m missing something, but these are my experiences after a couple of days of using CLZ.

Thanks in advance for your response.


Hi RazorX, I also struggle a bit with your second request.

For now i have selected “Loose” and marked that i have the Box, but not the manual.
This way i can more easily find the non CiB games.
However a major issue with this way of logging is that pricing will be skewed. as it selects Loose game + Box Prices, and they often exceeds the CiB pricing of a game.

i hope that CLZ will implement “Boxed” as an alternative. taking the CiB price minus the manual price. which i think is more correct.

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indeed boxed seems more logical.
In the meantime I have found a work around to see which games I have with a missing manual. In the iOS app, there is no possibility, but if you go to the cloud version you can actually create your own views.

  1. Go to cloud.clz.com
  2. Click on the dropdown next to columns
  3. Click on manage favourites
  4. Click the plus sign to add a new favourite
  5. Give it a name (I called it 'games without manual) and drag the column you wish to see (I included Manual and Box)
    Save and select your newly created favourites view.
    It should give you an overview of all your games and in column manual and box it will show YES/NO

Pretty convenient, just wish something like this was possible from within the iOS app.


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Only downside is that prices listed in that overview are in USD… I have yet to find the way to change it to EUR

You found a bug indeed, introduced in the version we released last week. We’ll work on a fix ASAP.

but the only wayto make the tags visible in the game library is to go into ‘Other fields’ and select Tag. Quite a hazzle but it works. It would be nice if we can add custom fields to the game library.

I’m assuming you’re talking about folder grouping on the Tag field here. I would indeed recommend using that.
You don’t have to pull it out of other fields though, you could tap the little “STAR” icon on the right to pull it up to favorite folder fields.

You could also get rid of some favirote folder group settings there to make the list shorter.

The idea is that you can switch between your folder settings quickly.

You could also “Add New Favorite” and group by “tags” AND “platform” or the other way around (create your own multilevel foldering.

  1. Brings me to the second improvement and in fact the most important one.
    Some games I added do not have a manual. There is no option for me to quickly see which games in my library don’t have a manual. Whenever a game is added without a manual it still shows as ‘CIB’ in the game library, which is exactly true as it is missing its manual.

We’ll think about adding “has manual” and “has box” as folder options. Thanks for this suggestion.

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This bug has now been fixed in CLZ Games v9.5.2 for iOS.

Your app may have updated itself already (check the menu top left, the version number is at the top).

If it hasn’t updated itself yet, here’s how to force the update:

on iOS:

  1. On your device, open the App Store app.
  2. Search “CLZ” and select your CLZ app.
  3. Tap “Update” to update the app.

Can you please let me know if that worked or not?