Camera is always on while using CLZ Comics App?

Hi, recently (since the previous update perhaps) in the iOS (I’m using iphone 14 pro iOS version 17.5.1) version of CLZ (currently 9.4.1) whenever I open the app the indicator for my camera turns on even when I’m not using the camera.

the little green dot in the top center means the camera is on. Not a huge deal except after a while it seems the phone starts getting hotter than usual and probably it’s draining my battery too.

I tried turning off the camera in my phone settings but then the app constantly complains and asks me to turn my camera on even when I’m not trying to use the camera.

Just thought I’d give you guys a heads up.

edit: it seems if I completely close the app and reopen it the camera isn’t on when i first open the app. it turns on whenever I enter the “add” screen and then doesn’t turn off when I exit the add screen. it does seem to go off when i switch apps but is still on when I return to the app.

I’m seeing this too. That indeed looks like a bug, sorry about this. We’ll work on a fix!

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@Wisgi just a workaround here for you: when you open the Add Comics screen, you can disable the camera by tapping the Barcode tab, then tap on the “Series” tab, and then close the Add Comics screen.

That works for me, as a workaround.

We have, in the meantime, found the cause of the bug and fixed it, and the fix will be included in the next update of the CLZ Comics iOS app.

Thanks for reporting this!

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thanks, that seems to work for me too!