Can not find in Core

Desktop version 27.3 build 3.
How do I enter (find on core) a issue that has no number only a title. (Excalibur Mojo Mayhem.)
Also I have an issue of - Bob Steele Western - (Fawcett Publications) that I can not find. When I do a select series from the search option in Core the only options I get is for Bob Steele Western by AC comics.

Hi there,

I searched Core on ‘Excalibur Mojo Mayhem’ and I could find it pretty easy. It’s listed as Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem.

Are you still having troubles locating this series? Feel free to let me know here.

And you are correct about the Bob Steele Western series. The serie you are referring to wasn’t listed in Core yet.

I manually added it just now. You can find it listed in Core under Bob Steele Western (Fawcett Publications)