Can't Generate PDF's or CSV files

I’ve been using CLZ for years but I’ve come across an annoying problem.

I’m trying to generate a PDF and everytime I do, the loading icon just spins and spins and never generates a preview and I can’t do anything else. The same goes for CSV files.

I’ve tried everything and tried for days. I’ve never had an issue doing this in the past. Help!


Hi there,

You were sorting your PDF export on “series”, then “issue” then “key reason” then “key”, and then on “quantity”!

Sorting is the way comics appear in a list from top to bottom.

Sorting on key reason is strange if you first sort on series then issue.
That would mean that first you get all the comics from the same series, then on issue, and then for all the same issues but with different key reasons it’s again sorting on that?
(I’m sure this was not what you intended!)

I’ve changed your sorting to Series, then issue, then quantityThat fixes the infinite spinning on the preview.

Let me know if that works for you?

As I explained to you by email

The problem seems to be in your Sort Order settings.
You seem to have selected a LOT of sort fields. Are you confusing Sort Order with Visible Columns maybe?

I mean, if you sort by Series and Issue, that is enough, right?
What’s the point of adding Key Reason, Key Category, and Quantity to your Sort Order?
Just remove these and it will work.

If you are already sorting by Series and Issue Number, what will be effect of adding Key Reason to the sort fields?

It will not have any effect. As Series and Issue already fully determine the order.

Let me try to explain multi field sorting to you.

Let’s say you opt to sort by Series only.
That will result in your comic list sorted alphabetically by Series, but … all comics with the SAME Series name will be sorted randomly within that series.

So let’s add a 2nd sort field: Issue. So the sorting became Series / Issue.
Now the list will be sorted by Series first. Then for comics that have the SAME series name, they will be sorted by Issue number. Pretty useful, right?

Now, what if we add a THIRD sort field to this? Say Key Reason.
So then the list will be sorted by Series first. Then for comics that have the SAME series name, they will be sorted by Issue number. Then for comics that have the SAME series AND the same issue number, these will be ordered by Key Reason.

Do you see how that makes little sense? I mean, at first, you would have to have duplicate comics in your collection (same series and issue+variant letter) for the 3rd sort field to have any effect. But maybe you have, that is of course possible.
But if you DO have duplicate comics, then wouldn’t they have the SAME Key Reason?
So the 3rd sort field does not have any effect. Nothing nada.

Let alone adding even more sort fields. It will not have ANY effect anymore on the order of the list. The first two sort fields, Series and Issue, will completely determine the order of comics in the list.