Changing Tab Order and Text Width

Looking for help with 2 related issues.

  1. A while back I created a group of UDF’s and put them in a Tab named “Digital”. Unfortunately, the info from the “Digital Tab” overlays with info added on the Tab “Episodes & Special Features”. Is there a way I can move the “Digital Tab” (pic#3) as I feel this might make this problem go away :crossed_fingers:?
  2. Also, any way to control the width of the text generated from “Special Features”? As it goes from being useful to looking ridiculous. See pics #2 & 1.

Hope this all makes sense. Please let me know if there is anything(s) I can do.

Problem #2 solved. I noticed this did not happen with all movies. I found that shortening the Title on the Episodes tab cleaned it up ok.

  • Still would like to know how to Re-Order the tabs if possible.

I’m afraid it is not possible to move stuff around in the display template (I think that’s what you’re asking) unless you start editing template files which is quite difficult (also with that, I can not assist you).

Other templates might have a bit different layout you could try out, but I’m assuming a different template might not be an option you’d like either.

Sorry I can’t help more on this.

Ok thanks for the reply AJ.