Character list for comics in Core

Forgive me if this is the wrong spot for this, but what is going on with the listing of characters in the comics in the Core? I submit updates for that constantly but they never seem to be added and now comics that had characters listed no longer do. Are these being updated at all? Are they being deleted? I use the app to keep track of characters and creators but the Core has just been dreadful in keeping these correct lately

First, we are definitely not deleting character info.

Can you give us some examples to investigate of:

  • comics were you see characters being deleted
  • comics for which you submitted character lists that have not been processed into Core?

You’ll see in this photo that I sorted my comics by characters and suddenly comics that used to have characters do not, such as Amazing Spider-Man #252 and many of the comics you see on this list with it. The newest issue of Action Comics is one I’ve send a character list and creator list for but it’s still listed here in the no character list. Am I doing something wrong that these lists are not updating or have somehow now removed the lists that were there at one time?

Hi Jeff,

After your post, we did some investigating and we indeed found a bug in our submission processing code which could in some case cause the loss of character lists.

Luckily, we were able to restore these character lists and these are now back in Core.

Can you use Update from Core on all the comics in that [None] folder?
Does that help?

We also found some pending submissions from you, from 2 days ago, that had not been processed. @CLZ_Rowdy is processing those as we speak.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

that did seem to help for about 76 of the titles, but there are still quite a bit more that used to have character lists that now don’t. Would it be easier for me to resend those lists in? I’m happy to do that.

As far as we can tell, that should not be the case.

Sure, please do.